Cochrane.CARE is the localized initiative that coordinates service information in the community for general information.


Timmins Consumer Survivor Network

Timmins Care ConnexOntario logo with a profile silhouette and text that reads "Discover Mental Health, Addiction and Problem Gambling Services". Cochrane District Social Services Administration Board

Sector: Mental Health, Healthcare, Family, Support Services, Addictions, Counselling, 


Contact:  Marlene Smith

Phone:  705-268-3220 Coordinator: 705-365-7492

Location: Save our Serenity Centre 120 Sixth Ave, Cochrane,

Offers a self-help peer support drop-in centre. Provides peer support to individuals and their families who are experiencing or have previously experienced mental health difficulties. Provides public education and information to the community, and mental health providers regarding peer support, self-help and other issues relevant to mental health and mental illness.

Funding source: Government of Ontario and Ontario Health

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